About me & my Team

Helping you feel better about your body and your life

Hi! I’m Binny Choudhry, your plate manager.​ ​ I’m here to help you find your most optimal diet solutions to allow you to enjoy your life with the food that helps you achieve your body goals.​ ​ Instead of just focusing on “losing weight”, I aim to help you improve your overall health and wellness by focusing on fitness and lifestyle improvement.​

For so long we have been taught to peruse diet with an aim to lose weight at all cost. It has become an obsession for all and is passed on as an idea that one should look a certain way in order to be respected. But in achieving these society-enforced goals, we lose ourselves. The pursuit of losing weight at all cost takes away the joy of eating food.​ ​ Hence, our focus is not to make you lose weight at all cost. Our focus is to treat help you achieve your fitness goals in a way that you enjoy what you do, while eating the most enrich food possible. Our nutrition services gives you exactly what you want, which is to learn how and what to eat to improve digestive health and maximize quality of life. ​

I started My Plate Manager in 2016 while I was working as a Trainee Nutritionist at FitBites. It started out as a place to share my food and healthy recipes with friends, family and customers. However, it was not meeting my goals of sharing my knowledge with the world. Hence, I attended YMCA’s Nutrition and Dietetics where I discovered my passion for Health and Wellness. ​ ​ Ever since then My Plate Manager has flourished into a nutrition hub, helping clients rejuvenate their body.​ ​With personalized nutrition and lifestyle recommendations, ​you can achieve your body goals without giving up any of your favorite foods.

2016-18 – Trainee Nutritionist at FitBites​ ​ 2016 – Founded My Plate Manager​ ​ 2017 – YMCA ​ ​ ​


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